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Authorised Distributors: North: Chandigarh: Khurana Mki. 9888666228; DELHI: Hindustan Distributor, 9810022567; H.P.: Parwanoo: Parwanoo Cello Agency. 9816400777; Haryana: Faridabad: Hahavir
Marketing, 9811139032; Ambala: Prime Agencies, 989602IS76; JAK: Jammu: Alfa Computeronix, 94I9I887S4; Srinagar Home Saar, 9906532781; Punjab: Amritsar AKa Traders. 9814005494; Rajasthan:
Jodhpur Kansan MkL 9829025222; Jaipur AX. Entp, 9828504968; Udaipur: Kansan Hkl, 8302658495; U.P.: Noida: Agarwal Crockery, 9811315841; Bareilly: Gala Agencies. 9412148585; Pillbhit: Modem
9411497388; Lucknow: Pankaj Home Appl, 9935691293; Uttarakhand: Haridwar AB. MkL Agency, 9837050624 • East: West Bengal: Kolkata: Jay Raj Plastic, 9830171480; Assam: Guwahati: Mayur Mehta,
9435198439; Orissa: Cuttack: Singhania Associates, 9861082032; Jharkhand: Ranchi: Nani Steel 9431101776; Bihar Patna: Ashcka Traders, 9570903264 • West: Goa: Shree Laxm
i, 9049158059; Gujarat:
Ahmedabad: Kam
la Agency. 9825068829; Surat: 51m
Assc, 9879633433; M.P.: Indore: Hindustan Traders. 9425063634; Bhopal: Modi MkL 9303132969; Maharasthra: Mumbai: Wekome Distributors. 9819713915;
Pune: HahavirTradelink. 9422307414; Nagpur Shree Entp., 9324512386 • South: Bangalore: Premier Corpontion 080 22262318; Chennai: Diamond Marketing. 044-64607772/9677004314; Coimbatore: 5MR Trading
Company. 0422 4378906/9443478900; Hubli: Bhagirathi Enterprises 0836-2284897/9845277503; Hyderabad: Sri Sai Teja Enterprises. 040-66566899/66366996; Kerala: Active Business Corpontion. 0484-4052525/9847551515;
Madurai: Kumaran Appliances. 0452-4375335/9994422464; Mangalore: Kudamani Enterprises, 0824-2440618/9901322455; Nepal: Hadhav Entp.
. 9811219366
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